dyspraxia & adults
Adults who have Dyspraxia often find the routine tasks of daily life such as driving, household chores, cooking and grooming difficult.
They can also find that coping at work is difficult because of challenges in areas such as time management, organizational skills, and interpersonal relationships. People with Dyspraxia may have difficulties with the following:

dyspraxia & adults

Adults who have Dyspraxia often find the routine tasks of daily life such as driving, household chores, cooking and grooming difficult.
They can also find that coping at work is difficult. People with Dyspraxia may have difficulties with the following:
Gross Motor Coordination Skills
- Poor balance
- Poor posture and fatigue
- Poor integration of two sides of the body
- Difficulty with some sports involving jumping and cycling
- Poor hand-eye coordination
- Difficulty with team sports
- Difficulty with driving a car
- Lack of rhythm when dancing or doing aerobics
- Clumsy gait and movement
- Exaggerated accessory movements such as flapping arms when running
- Tendency to fall, trip, bump into things and people
- Poor visual reception
- Oversensitive to light
- Difficulty in distinguishing sounds from background noise
- Oversensitive to noise
- Over or under sensitive to touch
- Over or under sensitive to smell, taste, temperature, and pain
- Lack of awareness of body position in spatial relationships
- Little sense of time, speed, distance or weight
Fine Motor Coordination Skills
- Lack of manual dexterity
- Poor at two-handed tasks, which cause problems using cutlery, cleaning, cooking
- Poor manipulative skills
- Difficulty typing, handwriting, and drawing
- Inadequate grasp, difficulty using tools, locks, keys
- Difficulty with dressing and grooming activities such as putting on makeup, shaving
Emotion & Behavior
- Difficulty in listening to people, especially in large groups
- Difficulty in picking up non-verbal signals or judging tone or pitch of voice
- Slow to adapt to new or unpredictable situations
- Impulsive
- Tendency to be erratic
- Tendency to opt out of things that are too difficult
- Tends to get stressed, depressed, and anxious easily
- May have difficulty sleeping
- Prone to low self-esteem, outbursts, fears, obsessions, compulsions
Speech & Language
- May talk continuously and repeat themselves
- Difficult with organizing content in sequence of language
- May have unclear speech and unable to pronounce some words
- Speech may have uncontrolled pitch, volume, and rate
Learning, Thought & Memory
- Difficulty in planning and organizing thoughts
- Poor memory, especially short-term memory
- Unfocused and erratic
- Poor sequencing, which causes problems with math, reading, spelling
- Accuracy problems
- Difficulty in following instructions
- Difficulty with concentration
Eye Movements
- Difficulty in following a moving object smoothly with eyes without moving head excessively
- Poor relocating; cannot look quickly and effectively from one object to another